How To Fix Electric Starter On Gas Stove?

Topic: How To Fix Electric Starter On Gas Stove?
Most gas grills come with an electric ignition system built into the design. The ignition system can often be the first component to bring to the grill and needs to be replaced more often than anything else. Electric ignition uses two electrodes that create an electrical spark when the button or switch is pressed. When the fuel ignites, the spark can ignite the gas.
Determine what type of grill you are using. Although you can use universal electric starters, it is best to use a replacement made by the same manufacturer as the grill. The grill mark should be marked somewhere on the lid, or printed on the handles. Some electric starters use a battery to generate the spark, so check the battery to make sure it is working properly before removing the rest of the grill.
Follow the power line from the power button on the inside of the grill. Under the grill you will see a wire running from the button above through the bottom of the grill and into the cooking chamber below the heat source.
Remove the accessories that hold the ignition system in place. Accessories are usually a ring or clips that keep the system secured to the bottom. A screw usually holds the ignition system in place, remove this screw to access the old electric starter. Replace the electric starting system components with working replacement parts. Replacement kits come with parts to replace the entire system, but may only be needed to replace the ignition coil or cable.
Make sure the coil is securely fastened or it may not compromise the fuel that would render the starting system useless. If a spark can be seen inside the grill and it appears to be working but does not ignite, try cleaning the tips of the electrodes with an alcohol swab.